Welcome to St Davids Plant and Garden Nursery
St Davids Plant & Garden Nursery is a traditional plantsman’s nursery with a wealth of character. Features in a variety of publications including the Sunday Times Style Magazine and the Journal of The Hardy Plant Society, this nursery holds a unique charm. Located near the centre of the historic city of St.Davids, the nursery was established in 1986 by owner and plant enthusiast, Bernie Stevens.
Many of the plants are grown on site by Bernie who is committed to offering quality plants at reasonable prices.
With over 45 years experience of growing and propagating, Bernie is able to offer:
- Friendly, practical advice on growing and planting schemes
- Free local delivery and consultation
- Trade discount available
The Nursery offers a large range of:
- Coastal and rock plants
- Native and wild plants
- Alpines
- Hardy herbaceous
- Shrubs
- Patio plants
- Succulents and oddities
Also - Frost proof pots of all sizes
- Ready planted specimen half pots

Bio friendly, horticultural practice.